Sunday, 9 September 2012

M20 Advances: Expert Rules

More Microlite20 Advances, this time covering the Races and Classes presented in the Expert Rules section of the Purest Essence PDF.

I will note that these haven't been playtested yet - I'm just throwing them out there. I'll try and get a group together to run through them soon, and then post up errata/feedback.


Furious Heritage - you gain +1 to attack when you are below half your total HP.
Big and Scary - you gain a +2 to your Communication skill when intimidating people.
Tough as Old Leather - Once per encounter, when reduced to 0HP or less, you gain a number of temporary hit-points equal to twice your class level.
Ironguts - you gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against poisons and disease.
Ironhide - you gain a +1 natural armour bonus.

Natural Trickster - gain a +2 bonus to your Subterfuge skill when used to play tricks on people.
Natural Talent - you gain Prestidigitation as an at-will ability, with no HP cost.
Gnomish Magic - you gain the use of Mage Hand and Dancing Lights as a Mage' Signature Spell.
Tinker - you gain a +2 bonus to your Knowledge skill with regards machines and technology.
Tricky Rhyme - gain a +2 bonus to your Subterfuge skill when used to Bluff others.

Half-Breed - you may choose a talent from either the Human or Elf Advance lists.
Charming - you gain a +1 bonus to your Communication skill.
Elven Eye - you gain a +2 bonus to saving throws to resist illusions.
Shared Insight - you and all allies within 30ft gain a +2 to perception-related rolls a number of times a fay equal to your MIND bonus.
Drifter - gain a +1 bonus to your Knowledge skill.

Natural Weapons - you gain the ability to make a bite attack (1d4) and a tail slap (1d6).
Acid Spit - you gain the ability to make a ranged attack (Ranged Touch Attack, 1d4 Acid damage) a number of times a day equal to your Strength Bonus.
Adept Swimmer - you gain a +2 to your Physical skill when making tests of swimming ability, as well as the ability to hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to four times your Strength score.
Tribal Weapons - you gain a +1 bonus with all clubs, spears and javelins.
Swamp Hunter - you gain a +2 bonus to your Subterfuge skill when is overgrown or marshland areas.


Sniper - double the range increment of all ranged weapons you wield.
Superior Two-Weapon Fighting - the penalty for wielding two weapons at once is removed.
Wild Empathy - you gain a +2 bonus to attempts to train, intimidate, or otherwise interact with natural animals.
Manyshot - you gain the ability to fire two arrows at once at your full Ranged Attack Bonus, with no penalty.
Favoured Terrain - you gain a +2 bonus to Survival checks whilst in your favoured terrain.

Smite Evil - you gain the ability to add your CHA bonus to attack and damage rolls against Evil opponents, once per day for every 4 levels you possess.
Zealous Weapon Training - you gain a +1 to-hit with your God's favoured weapon.
Godly Resolve - you and any allies within 30ft gain a +2 bonus to any saving throws against charm effects.
Zealot's Rage - you may trade up to 5 points from your MAB into damage (as Power Attack).
Protector of Faith - you may interpose yourself between an adjacent ally and an attacking enemy, once per round. The enemy will target you instead of the ally.

Courtesan/Companion - gain a +2 bonus to your Communication skill when seducing others.
Distraction - you can use a physical performance (dancing, comedy, etc) to counter illusions for all those who can see your performance - they gain a bonus to their saving throws equal to your Mind or Charisma bonus.
Suggestion - you can use one of your uses of Bardic Music to plant a Suggestion (as the spell) into one creature/level.
Well-Versed - you gain a +2 bonus to your Knowledge skill when recalling myths, stories and legends.
Dashing Swordsman - you gain a +1 to-hit with all short swords, daggers, and rapiers.

NOTE: Countering Illusions and Sound-based effects requires a roll with your Magical Attack Bonus.

Friend of All Animals - you gain Speak With Animals as an at-will ability, with no HP cost.
Initiate of Nature - you may turn (animals are not destroyed, simply forced to flee) or rebuke (you may control 2HD of animals per class level) animals as a cleric of your level
Trackless Woodland Step - you may pass through any natural growth (like brambles or heavy brush) with no penalty - and may elect not to leave a trace of their passage through woodlands.
Elemental Nature - you may spend two of your uses of Wildshape to transform into a Small Elemental (three uses for Medium, four for Large).
Venom Immunity - you gain immunity to all natural poisons.

Specialist Mage - you gain a +1 bonus to either damage, spell DC, or duration (choose with each casting) to every Illusion spell you cast.
Fascinating - you gain a +1 to your Communication skill.
Misdirection - you gain a +2 to your Subterfuge score when attampting to hide or disguise your spells.
Minor Trick - you gain one of Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound or Prestidigitation as an at-will ability, with no HP cost.
Life-like Disguise - you gain a +2 bonus to any rolls used to disguise yourself (or your opponent gains a -2 malus, depending).

Also, note that these Advance schemes stay pretty close to the "traditional" view of these Races, and might not be appropriate for some campaign settings. For instance, an Athasian Elf (from the Dark Sun setting) might look more like this:

Athasian Elf 
Dune Runner - you gain a +2 bonus to your Physical score when on the Dunes. 
Natural Thief - you gain a +1 bonus to your Subterfuge skill. 
Sharp-Eyed - your natural low-light vision doubles in distance (to 120'). 
Hunter - you gain a +1 bonus to-hit with all slings and pulled weapons. 
Traders - gain a +2 to your Communication skill when used to barter.

I'll post up a few more soon, with some more setting-specific lists, and a note about creating your own Advance lists!

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