So, it's been...
a while since I have posted here. Things have been up and down, lots going on, but here's hoping I can make this time stick. I have been pushing myself to be a little more creative, as I feel that a lack of any creative output has really caused some issues in my life.
To help with that, I am going to give the Gygax 75 Challenge a go - see if I can use it to make a campaign setting in 5 weeks. Specifically, I am going to work up a setting for a long-in-the-tooth back burner project; an OSR Wavecrawl/Saltbox Pirates game.
Each week, I will post up what I have managed, and by the end of it, we will see what I have managed to make. Hopefully, this will end with a wonderfully weird and interesting place to run a few games.
You can even follow along at home - visit Ray Otus' store and download the workbook!