His followers are a
violent lot – more interested in strength of arms and the rush of
battle than anything else, even their own safety. The rites and
rituals of the cult are often linked with bacchanalian drinking
sprees, bloodsports and animal baiting. Those cities which host
full-time Ares Cultists accept their presence with a grimace –
while they are known for their excesses and property damage, they are
also fantastic when the city requires defence, or to create a sense
of security during times of unrest.
The warriors recruited
by Ares’ Cult are normally at peak physical strength – able to
use weapons as tall as they are with ease, and take blows that would
outright kill lesser men. In some of the City-States of the Southron
Reaches, children as young as three are chosen from suitable parents
and inducted into the Cult to be trained as warriors. They undergo
intense physical training and religious indoctrination to make them
the perfect servants of the Bloodied God.
Many warlike humanoids
(mainly orcs and hobgoblins) will create altars to Ares after
encountering his Cultists, and humanoid priests of the Bloodied God
are not uncommon. And indeed, any blood shed in his name grants some
measure of power – while rare, there are a few full-blown Clerics
of Ares amongst the Orcish tribes of the Firgian Wastes.
Ares calls for his
followers to be ready for battle at all times, and his Rites reflect
that. He has no set days of worship, nor times dedicated to him –
the chaos of battle can strike at any moment.
Bloodsports – the
Bloodied Brotherhood takes part in ritualised fights to first blood
between members. These fights can have a number of stipulations,
ranging from specialised weapons (cestuses, short swords and clubs
are popular options), styles (pankration, blind-fighting and with
certain limbs bound) and specific win conditions (first to hit the
floor, first to make a sound, last man standing), between anywhere
from two to a dozen combatants. Casualties and deaths are frequent,
but healing magic goes a long way to making sure they are able to
continue to serve the Cult. These bloodsports are also used as a form
of trial and execution for crimes against the Cult – fighting to
the death. If the accused survives, they are allowed back into the
fold, their crimes forgiven – Ares clearly holds them in high
Bloodletting – for
those members of the Cult who are considered extreme even by the low
standards of the Bloodied Brotherhood, the Cult allows them to
release some of their rage via controlled bloodletting. While in mad,
drug-induced frenzies, the Cultist is tied to a sacrificial altar,
made of dark polished stone with channels designed to collect any
spilled blood. Symbols of Ares, conquered foes and other esoteric
symbols are carved into the flesh of the Cultist, letting out their
hot rage and excess blood. This blood is collected, to be painted
onto the faces, bodies and weapons of other Cultists before battle to
grant them the rage of their fellows.
Baiting – while the
Cult used to perform animal sacrifices to Ares, they noticed He
seemed more likely to grant them his favour when the animals were
given a chance to fight back. Much like the bloodsports, these
battles are either between a Cultist and a beast, or between beasts
themselves. While some of these beasts are locally sourced (wolves
bears, owlbears and giant vermin being favourites), the High Priests
will occasionally pay for some more exotic fare for the Beast Pits.
Dramatis Personae
Xephos, Head Priest
of Ares
Xephos is a giant of a
man, standing seven feet tall, broad as a bear and muscled like a
bull. Dark black ringlets run down to his shoulders, framing a face
that looks like it might have been chisled from granite. Like many
Southrons, he is frequently found nude – however, he is known for
wearing the pelts of beasts he has slaughtered in the arena as
headdresses and cloaks. He also maintains his nudeness even when
socially unacceptable, such as during official events or political
meetings. Of course, no-one calls him out on this, as his station
means he could get away with slaying just about anyone with no
Despite the scarred
nature of his fellows, Xephos does not bear a single scar on his
body. While some claim he uses magical healing to maintain this
appearance, most assume it is from his prowess in battle.
Much like his God, he
is a man of titanic mood swings – one moment in a deep melancholy
for having no equal to battle, the next a crimson rage so deep as to
terrify even his closest clergy, to being the happiest man in the
room. He is truly unpredictable, and a truly terrifying enemy.
The Bloodied Brotherhood are also
famous for selling their services as mercenaries, to raise funds for
the Cult and find new and creative ways to murder people for their God. Mostly, they are hired by the Southron City-States during skirmishes
or as a defending force from external invasions, but some will sell
their services to other kingdoms, even travelling far across the
world to spread the word of Ares and earn both money and renown for
themselves and their God. While these travelling mercenaries will
wear leather armour to keep with local traditions, they will revel in
any opportunity to remain nude as they would back home. Of course,
this can make them somewhat notorious in some areas.
Plot Hooks
The weekly Beast Fights
have gotten out of hand, and a creature has escaped to wreak havoc
within the city!
The Pitmaster is
looking for a new beast for the Beast Pits, and is offering top
dollar for something interesting. While out drinking, you hear tales
of a particularly mean old Owlbear nesting somewhere nearby…
Two recently-joined
Acolytes of the Bloodied God have been causing trouble, throwing
their weight around. A few concerned citizens have asked you to deal
with them quietly and respectfully (no-one wants retribution
from the Bloodied Brotherhood).
Recent attacks by
humanoid tribes are being led by Orcish Clerics of Ares. Might the Cult be
able to use their standing to begin parlay with the invaders, or even
bring them on side?
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